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SCRIPT: getImages.m - show
function im = getImages(list)
% im = getImages; - get all
% im = getImages([10:100]); - get projection0010-0100
if nargin == 0 % If no input arguments are given:
list = 1:200; % Select all images
end %
im = zeros(500,500,length(list)); % Preallocate matrix
for i = list
% Read image files and store in matrix
file = fullfile('img_org',sprintf('projection%04d.tif',i-1));
im(:,:,i) = imread(file);
SCRIPT: sinogram.m - show
function sg = sinogram(im,line)
% sg = sinogram(im) - get all (!!!very memory intensive!!!)
% sg = sinogram(im, 10) - get line 10
if nargin < 2 % If line argument is not set:
line = 1:size(im,1); % Get all sinograms
end %
sg = zeros(size(im,2),size(im,3),length(line)); % Preallocate matrix
for k = 1:length(line)
for i = 1:size(im,3) % For each images:
sg(:,i,k) = im(line(k),:,i); % Put the selected line in the matrix
SCRIPT: reconstruction_roll.m - show
function reconstruction_roll
% Animated roll through the sinograms
pixelshift = -9;
figure % Now figure
im = getImages; % Load in all imagesc
subplot(1,2,1) % Split figure into 1x2 grid, select element 1
imagesc(im(:,:,1)); % Show image
colormap('gray'); % Set colorscale to gray
axis image % Set axis
hold on % Make sure image is not replaced by plot
p = plot([1,size(im,2)],[1,1],'r-'); % Plot red line
theta = linspace(0,360,size(im,3));
subplot(1,2,2) % 1x2 grid, select element 2
sg = sinogram(im,1); % Compute new sinogram
if pixelshift <= 0
sg = [zeros(-2*pixelshift,size(sg,2)); sg]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
sg = [sg; zeros(2*pixelshift,size(sg,2))]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
I = iradon(sg, theta); % Compute reconstruction
h = imagesc(I); % Show reconstruction image
colormap('gray'); % Set colorscaling to gray
axis image % Set axis
ht = title('line #1'); % Set title
for i = 1:size(im,1)
set(p,'YData',i*[1,1]); % Update red line Y-position
sg = sinogram(im,i); % Compute new sinogram
if pixelshift <= 0
sg = [zeros(-2*pixelshift,size(sg,2)); sg]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
sg = [sg; zeros(2*pixelshift,size(sg,2))]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
I = iradon(sg, theta); % Compute reconstruction
set(h,'Cdata',I); % Update image
set(ht,'String',sprintf('line #%d',i)) % Update title
drawnow; % Make sure image is displayed before proceeding
SCRIPT: reconstruction_roll_interactive.m - show
function reconstruction_roll_interactive
% interactive roll through the reconstructions
global ax1 p im theta h ht line_selected pixelshift
pixelshift = -9;
fig = figure; % Now figure
im = getImages; % Load in all imagesc
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1); % Split figure into 1x2 grid, select element 1
imagesc(im(:,:,1)); % Show image
colormap(ax1,'gray'); % Set colorscale to gray
axis(ax1,'image'); % Set axis
hold(ax1,'on'); % Make sure image is not replaced by plot
p = plot(ax1,[1,size(im,2)],[1,1],'r-'); % Plot red line
line_selected = 1;
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2); % 1x2 grid, select element 2
sg = sinogram(im,1); % Compute new sinogram
if pixelshift <= 0
sg = [zeros(-2*pixelshift,size(sg,2)); sg]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
sg = [sg; zeros(2*pixelshift,size(sg,2))]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
theta = linspace(0,360,size(im,3));
I = iradon(sg, theta);
h = imagesc(I); % Show sinogram image
colormap(ax2,'gray'); % Set colorscaling to gray
axis(ax2,'image'); % Set axis
ht = title(ax2,'1'); % Set title
% Dynamic callbacks (Advanced)
set(fig,'windowbuttondownfcn',@(s,e) mouse_track(s,e,true));
set(fig,'windowbuttonmotionfcn',@(s,e) mouse_track(s,e,false));
function plot_sinogram(i)
global p im theta h ht pixelshift
sg = sinogram(im,i);
if pixelshift <= 0
sg = [zeros(-2*pixelshift,size(sg,2)); sg]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
sg = [sg; zeros(2*pixelshift,size(sg,2))]; % Compensate for shift in the physical setup
I = iradon(sg, theta);
set(ht,'String',sprintf('line #%d',i))
function mouse_track(s,e,update)
global ax1 p im theta h ht line_selected
pos = get(ax1,'currentpoint');
pos = pos(1,1:2);
xlims = xlim(ax1);
ylims = ylim(ax1);
if pos(1) < xlims(1) || pos(1) > xlims(2) || pos(2) < ylims(1) || pos(2) > ylims(2)
line = floor(pos(2));
if update
line_selected = line;
SCRIPT: sinogram_roll.m - show
function sinogram_roll
% Animated roll through the sinograms
figure % Now figure
im = getImages; % Load in all imagesc
subplot(1,2,1) % Split figure into 1x2 grid, select element 1
imagesc(im(:,:,1)); % Show image
colormap('gray'); % Set colorscale to gray
axis image % Set axis
hold on % Make sure image is not replaced by plot
p = plot([1,size(im,2)],[1,1],'r-'); % Plot red line
subplot(1,2,2) % 1x2 grid, select element 2
for i = 1:size(im,1)
set(p,'YData',i*[1,1]); % Update red line Y-position
sg = sinogram(im,i); % Compute new sinogram
imagesc(sg); % Show sinogram image
colormap('gray'); % Set colorscaling to gray
axis image % Set axis
title(sprintf('line #%d',i)) % Set title
drawnow; % Make sure image is displayed before proceeding
SCRIPT: sinogram_roll_interactive.m - show
function sinogram_roll_interactive
% interactive roll through the sinograms
global im ax1 p h ht line_selected
fig = figure; % Now figure
im = getImages; % Load in all imagesc
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1); % Split figure into 1x2 grid, select element 1
imagesc(im(:,:,1)); % Show image
colormap(ax1,'gray'); % Set colorscale to gray
axis(ax1,'image'); % Set axis
hold(ax1,'on'); % Make sure image is not replaced by plot
p = plot(ax1,[1,size(im,2)],[1,1],'r-'); % Plot red line
line_selected = 1;
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2); % 1x2 grid, select element 2
sg = sinogram(im,1); % Compute new sinogram
h = imagesc(sg); % Show sinogram image
colormap(ax2,'gray'); % Set colorscaling to gray
axis(ax2,'image'); % Set axis
ht = title(ax2,'1'); % Set title
% Dynamic callbacks (Advanced)
set(fig,'windowbuttondownfcn',@(s,e) mouse_track(s,e,true));
set(fig,'windowbuttonmotionfcn',@(s,e) mouse_track(s,e,false));
function plot_sinogram(i)
global im ax1 p h ht
sg = sinogram(im,i);
set(ht,'String',sprintf('line #%d',i))
function mouse_track(s,e, update)
global im ax1 p h ht line_selected
pos = get(ax1,'currentpoint');
pos = pos(1,1:2);
xlims = xlim;
ylims = ylim;
if pos(1) < xlims(1) || pos(1) > xlims(2) || pos(2) < ylims(1) || pos(2) > ylims(2)
line = floor(pos(2));
if update
line_selected = line;
Her vil ligge skanningsdata fra Nanoteket. Det ligger i fem formater: (1) rådata fra programmet, (2) png-version af projektionerner, (3) sinogrammer/radontransformationen for alle vandrette snit i billedet, (4) rekonstruktion med back projection for hvert sinogram, (5) rekonstruktion med filtered back projection for hvert sinogram.
Dertil er tre informationspunkter om dataene: (1) Akseforskydning i pixels, (2) Udfyldningen i pixels og X-ray kilden i maskinen.